PiazzaNYC is a virtual Italian piazza in the center of NYC that features the characters of the Commedia Dell'Arte acting out their scenarios and tricks in a modern New York.  Upon opening "PiazzaNYC" Arlecchino who acts as the piazza host, zips in on a vespa and jumps off to present himself. He also offers romance advice and performs in the Stage venue. This prompts the clock in the Campanile to appear in the center of the piazza revealing links to the various stores and events becoming a connection for the community. Visitors select performances, stores or locations by rolling over highlighted numbers on the clock face. Choose night or day and the lighting changes accordingly. Aspects of typical social life will be featured in “performances” where  Arlecchino, Columbina, Pantaloon, Isabella, The Doctor and The Captain interact with each other and the crowd based on historic antics and skits. 
Each store or location will be hosted by one of the Commedia characters.  Upon exiting a store, performance or event, the piazza scene reappears and comes to life. Sounds of a nearby street musician comes up.  A shop owner singing as he sweeps the front of his store. A skateboarder zips thru the crowd bumping into someone causing tomatoes to spill.
The Doctore    Columbine    Arlecchino    Pantaloon   Isabella    The Captain
The Doctore thinks he is today’s well-to-do city gentleman. A man of science and logic - his own of course, absent minded without a clue about how to run his love life. Originally a Bolognese lawyer or doctor; gullible, lecherous bumbling
Columbina - the wise cracking maid.  She is the witty, young and attractive girl about town, probably in her first year working at the bottom of the ladder as the product demonstrator of the market and writes a popular blog. She interacts with the crowd in the main piazza. 
Arlecchino - host of the piazza and stage. He’s the guy who meets his friends at the local bar, social network sites, and Twitter, is today’s young joker who can be cunning, cruel and stupid, yet the darling of crowds (both live or virtual) He exposes the good and bad qualities of the other characters.
Pantaloon is the successful business man who runs the restaurant and market. He is today’s fierce, but gullible loan officer, Wall Street operator, charting his course in the precarious world of an uncertain economy. His Linked-in profile is long and tedious. His domain on the site is the corner cafe, restaurant and produce market where he indulges his insatiable appetite.
Isabella is the love interest and runs the boutique, a heartthrob ingénue. Isabella is a Facebook fanati
The Captain hosts the Travel store.  He is today’s dressy show off. Bragging about his dubious exploits, but clumsy in his social life…  He uses excessive shows of manliness and bravado to hide his cowardly nature always claiming credit for others achievements.
Columbine and the Morning Market
Columbine oversees Pantaloon's produce market with a strict and witty hand. Produce boxes are click thru's to gourmet produce revalations and recipes. Produce signs are links for artwork comparing the Commedia characters to vegetables.
Wine and Cheese tray features a special product of day.

The Captain, The Doctore and Pantaloon share a morning coffee. The Doctore owns the pastry shop and likes to show off his ware by eating bombolini with his coffee.
Pantaloon's cafe and restaurant
The guest at the front table savors her coffee - all day and night - think Starbucks.  Upon roll over waiter enters, tosses the menu to us and continues out of the scene.  The menu opens revealing the featured chef and dishes of the day. Arlecchino's mask on the menu is a link to the rest of the piazza's activities.
The cafe features famous chefs and only the best ingredients which are bought from the local market. (That is of course owned by Pantaloon!)
Arlecchino zips from table to table tasting (stealing) food and wine offering commentary along the way. 
The Captains Travel Boutique
Upon clicking on the Travel Store link the screen is black for an instant. The Captain pulls the light string and the shop is revealed. Pictures of far off (in time and destination)cover the walls. Travel literature - featuring the Captain liter the surface of the desk. Souvenirs of destinations perhaps visited are displayed around the store. The travel mirror reflects different avatars “reflecting” the visitor  and are different with each link click. Upon destination selected, views of wondrous locations and their inhabitants appear in the mirror - think safaris.
Visitors get passports allowing them into secret aspects of piazza – Catacombs and hidden bars.
The Travel Trunk stores historical treasures. Click thru links for travel supplies and gifts.
The Desk is covered with Maps and notes from adventures. Users can leave messages about trips - what was good and bad.
Visitors can send Commedia cards or photos from their trips.
Isabella's Fashion boutique
Isabella's clothing store features up and coming designers and their collections can be viewed on the models in the window or in the Catwalk mirror. A click on the mirror link will show a choice of videos of designers collections.
PiazzaNYC at night
The Captain and Doctore grab a bite before the theater
Arlecchino's Theater
Selecting the link on the clock or poster prompts the horse to bring the stage out. The curtains open and  Arlecchino performs as he announce various musical and theatrical acts. Arlecchino's mask is the link back to the main pizza.
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